Got eggs? Shake things up with these alternative omelette recipes
11 May 2017 | Schwartz
Eggs are a household staple for millions of us. While they're superb simply poached, scrambled or fried on toast, you can easily give an old classic a new lease of life by just adding a few extra ingredients. Whether you simply add some new seasonings to your omelette, bulk it up with potatoes or attempt a flavour sensation Mediterranean-style, the simple egg is one of the most versatile ingredients around.
Tomato omelette
From sandwiches to pasta, cheese and tomato crop up as a perfect pairing in plenty of recipes. Just as Italians regularly add basil to the classic combo for pizza and bruschetta, we love adding the versatile herb to our tomato and basil omelette. For those who prefer fiery flavours, replace the basil with hot curry powder for a spicy tomato omelette. Both recipes feature earthy nutmeg, a natural match for eggs, creating the ideal base for whatever type of omelette takes your fancy.
Spanish omelette
For a hearty version of a classic, add potatoes to whip up a tasty Spanish omelette. Don't worry about which herbs to combine for an authentic taste - this recipe uses our expertly-blended Spanish seasoning, which does it all for you. For a slightly different take, switch up the seasonings and create a Spanish tortilla with parsley, which goes well with a refreshing tomato and cucumber salad.
Mediterranean Vegetable Shakshuka
It's not hard to see why this dish is a staple in Mediterranean households. Comforting and delicious, the warming blend of spices adds a depth to the dish that's sure to satisfy. Smoked paprika and aromatic cinnamon balance sweet and savoury, while a pinch of cayenne chilli pepper gives it a subtle heat. Shakshuka is easy to make your own, so if you prefer peppers to courgettes, feel free to throw in whatever you fancy. Serve with a big slice of crusty bread so you can mop up any leftover juices afterwards.