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Both the seeds and leaves (see Coriander Leaf-Cilantro) are used in cooking but are not interchangeable as they have distinctly different flavours. Coriander is known to have been used in Egypt since 1550BC for culinary and medicinal purposes. India is the largest producer of Coriander which is used extensively in curry powders.

Coriander Seeds should be a uniform, light brown colour, an even size and unblemished. D-Linalool is the principal flavour – giving volatile oil.
Add to lamb or beef curries and rice dishes for a mellow, spicy flavour. To release the aromatic flavour dry fry. For roasted vegetables, crush the seeds and sprinkle over with a little lemon juice and olive oil before cooking. Lightly crush and stir into cooked spinach.
Energy per 100g: 446 KCal
Protein per 100g: 14.2 g
Carbohydrates per 100g: 54.9 g
Fat per 100g: 18.8 g