Perfectly shareable sports day recipes

25 July 2017 | Schwartz

Tasked with providing the midday snack for the sports day? Make it a pleasure, not a chore with these quick and wholesome recipes just made for sharing. Forget the last minute dash to the supermarket for the usual crisps and dips. Whether you're cheering from the sidelines or setting your own personal best, why not try your hand at these easy sports day recipe ideas? The whole team will love these exceptionally tasty treats, but we warn you – you’re sure to find your name added to next week’s roster.

Mini aubergine pizzas

Mini aubergine pizzas

These mini morsels are so wonderfully flavourful that even the vegetable miser will want more. Healthier than regular pizza and the ideal size for a midday pick-me-up, these should be the centrepiece of every tea table. Simply cook the night before and finish with all of your favourite toppings – we love sundried tomatoes, mozzarella and a generous shake of oregano. Serve with a fresh rocket salad and a drizzle of olive oil.

Smoky barbecue meatballs

Smoky barbecue meatballs

Break time becomes a true celebration with sweet and smoky barbecue meatballs! While these are a beautiful snack to eat hot or cold, why not pack an instant barbecue and make a proper meal of it? Throw the meatballs on the grill and heat up some crunchy ciabatta rolls before loading up with lettuce, coriander and grated cheese. A sprinkle of mixed herbs adds a magical finish to this rich and fragrant dish.

Grilled chicken kebabs

Grilled chicken kebabs

Another favourite for the barbecue, classic grilled chicken kebabs are a lighter alternative to smoky meatballs. Add plenty of bell peppers and cherry tomatoes for a sweet and layered flavour sensation brought alive by our classic Chargrilled Chicken Seasoning. While these are fantastic hot, they also taste phenomenal cold mixed into vegetable couscous or pesto pasta salad. For a vegetarian alternative, try these Asian-inspired tofu skewers.

Classic fruit salad

Classic fruit salad

The ideal end to any light meal, the secret of this vibrant fruit salad is the aromatic cardamom syrup that lends a warm and spicy pop of flavour to any combination of fruit. Simply toss all of your favourites together and drizzle the pre made syrup over the top. For an extra decadent touch to fuel the final showdown, add a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a sprinkle of spiced granola.