Great British recipes – with a twist!

25 July 2017 | Schwartz

We all know this island is the home of coronation chicken and the classic sweet scone – but why not try one of these lesser-known, new and alternative British dishes? Throughout history, the influence of other cultures has brought about the creation of unique recipes inspired by all kinds of different cuisines. Here, we take a look at some of the nation’s best dishes – both old favourites and brand new recipes that are sure to become true classics.

Halloumi and orange salad

Halloumi and orange salad

If you haven’t already been won over by the wonders of this practically unmeltable cheese, you soon will be. In just the last few years, Britons have become some of the leading consumers of halloumi in Europe – a trend that has seen it skyrocket from deli outsider to starring meal of many a restaurant menu. This beautiful salad balances out the rich, salty flavour of the cheese with the light yet vibrant pop of orange and just a pinch of floral fennel seed.

Chicken ciabatta sandwich

Chicken ciabatta sandwich

Wherever you travel in the world today you’re sure to find a familiar food in the form of two slices of bread and filling – but did you know that the lowly, dependable sandwich has its origins in the British Isles? Described as the country’s "biggest contribution to gastronomy" by the Wall Street Journal, it’s time to embrace this humble lunch staple. This toasted ciabatta roll is filled with mini chicken fillets, wonderfully flavoured with our special paprika and lemon seasoning, and it’s just as at home in the lunchbox as on the fanciest of dinner tables.

Cheesy sausage rolls

Cheesy sausage rolls

The sausage roll may seem like a more modern treat, but wrapping a savoury filling in flaky pastry likely dates back to the time of the Romans. However, the classic sausage roll has been regarded as a British tradition since the Napoleonic Wars, so we’ve had plenty of time to experiment with and refine the original recipe. That leads us to this deliciousness – the perfectly flaky, wonderfully cheesy, lusciously herby sausage roll.

Indian chickpea spinach pie

Indian chickpea spinach pie

Over 200 years since the first curry house was opened in London, it’s safe to say the Brits still haven’t lost their taste for the exotic spices and punchy flavours of the south Asia. Indian food frequently rates as one of the country’s favourite takeaways, and the cuisine has influenced all aspects of British food – from curry chips to chicken tikka masala, the popular dish that likely originated in the UK. This spinach and chickpea pie uses a beautiful combination of traditional Indian spices – coriander, cumin and ginger – always perfectly balanced thanks to our Mild Curry Powder.